Treating stubborn Acne with Technology

Treating Stubborn Acne With Technology

Beauty power tools are used as a preventive measure for a problem-free skin and improve the condition of problematic skin. Facial treatments can be done using technology other than the natural way. These technologies are innovations obtained from rigorous research studies.. Here are some types of technology used for acne treatment as well as their function and characteristics. These are effective treatments that are worth undergoing in a beauty salon and an aesthetic medicine office. Are you ready?

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Treating Stubborn Acne With Technology

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They are widely used and recommended due to their multidirectional uses. The best ones will be those that will not give a strong exfoliation effect, because we might end up struggling with an unpleasant appearance of the skin.

An interesting proposition are two medical peels: Jessner and Pumpkin, which support the treatment of acne and immediately improve the condition of the skin. They work effectively on skin with papules, blackheads and pimples. They also regulate the secretion of sebum.

Another treatment is a peeling with azelaic acid, ideal for sensitive, oily and combination skin. It dissolves excess fat, exfoliates the epidermis, tightens pores, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Peeling with almond acid, which is classified as a fruit acid, can be used on sensitive skin, with rosacea, etc. It exfoliates, regulates the secretion of sebum and can be used all year round. The treatment is painless and the exfoliation is practically invisible.

Another suggestion is a lactic acid peeling. It regulates and stabilizes the level of sebum secretion, cleanses the sebaceous ducts, and also moisturizes the skin.

Finally, a peeling with salicylic acid that has a bactericidal effect, cleanses the skin and removes discoloration. Importantly it regulates the level of sebum secretion.

Ultrasonic peeling – Cavitation

During the treatments, the effect of ultrasonic waves is used, which gives the effect of biostimulating cell micromassage. In the presence of fluid, the ultrasound wave creates bubbles that burst violently, hit the skin and cleanse it. The treatment is completely painless and can be performed all year round, even with very sensitive acne skin.


Iontophoresis prevents the destruction of the epidermis, and the molecules of the acid used reach the deeper layers of the skin, where they destroy damaged skin cells. There is a growth of healthy cells from the deeper layers of the skin to the epidermis, which creates a new skin with a healthier structure. Importantly, the Iontophoresis system is based on fruit acids (glycolic and lactic acid) and chemical compounds (TCA, kojic acid, retinoic acid).


Blue laser light is used here, where a beam of monochromatic radiation penetrates the skin and removes keratinized epidermis, accelerates the healing of acne lesions, regulates sebum secretion and has a bactericidal effect. The treatment is painless and can be used all year round.


You can choose from two types: diamond (softer) and corundum (stronger). Both treatments exfoliate, remove blackheads and shrink pores. In addition, the skin brightens, wrinkles and acne scars are shallower, the secretion of sebum is reduced and, above all, the skin structure is improved. It is another practically painless procedure.

Oxygen infusion

A treatment which uses the phenomenon of infusion by introducing active substances into the skin with the use of pure oxygen and hyperbaric pressure. It has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces inflammation and pollution. Recommended for skin with blackheads, papules, pustules, pyoderma and adolescents with active acne.

IPL- based technology

Treatments often recommended for inflammation without side effects. Action based on the destruction of bacteria, reducing the secretion of sebum, cleansing the skin and preventing recurrence. It can be used on both the face and other parts of the body, it is not invasive and even very comfortable.

Microneedle and mesotherapy

It can be made with a dermaroller or dermapen. Micro-punctures lead to controlled skin damage and a deeper introduction of active substances. The treatment is performed with the use of anti-acne preparations and appropriately concentrated acids. Recommended for skin with common acne and combination skin. You may experience a slight discomfort, but it depends on the length of the needles and the places where the procedure is performed.


Treating stubborn Acne with Technology

Technology with Chemicals

There are several technologies for facial acne treatment with chemicals. The various types of technology are described as follows.

Chemical peels

Chemical peeling is one way to get rid of acne with exfoliation. In this medical procedure, a patient will be smeared with chemical that can accelerate the exfoliation of the skin. This step aims for skin regeneration.

Getting rid of acne with chemical peels can overcome some types of acne and make the skin look better. This procedure has side effects, such as skin becoming red, peeling, leaving scars, infection, and abnormal skin colour.

Chemical peeling is not recommended for someone who has skin that has too much scar tissue (keloids). This procedure is also not recommended for those who have used therapy isotrerinoin within six months.

Acne injection or steroid injection

Acne injections or steroid injections are a way to get rid of inflamed acne or cystic acne. Acne will heal faster after you do this procedure, which takes about two to four days.

Although classified as a fairly effective method, steroid injections can cause negative reactions. These negative reactions, namely depletion of the skin, making the blood vessels around the injection area more visible, and skin tone that becomes lighter compared to normal skin colour.

Facial or acne extraction

This facial procedure must be carried out using sterile and safe tools and cannot be done by just anyone without having expertise.

Another benefit from facials is to remove blackheads that clog pores on the face. This facial treatment is not recommended for inflamed acne. This is because it can worsen the acne condition.


If you have moderate to severe acne, see a doctor who would mostly suggest taking oral antibiotics to reduce bacteria and fight inflammation. The first step to treating acne, namely: tetracyclines such as minocycline, doxycycline, or macrolides. Oral antibiotics should be used as little as possible for the prevention of antibiotic resistance.

Oral antibiotics are best used with topical retinoids and benzoyl peroxide. Studies have found that the use of topical benzoyl peroxide concurrently with oral antibiotics may reduce the risk of developing antibiotic resistance. Side effects of using antibiotics are stomach pain and dizziness. In addition, these drugs also increase skin sensitivity against sunlight.

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As you can see the above-mentioned treatments are few of the most effective treatments at the moment. Of course, before you decide to perform any of them, I recommend an prior visit to a dermatologist and appropriate consultation and skin examination. Remember that acne is a rather troublesome disease and often requires long treatment, so have patience.

If you have any questions, feel free to write them in the comments below.

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