9 vitamins and minerals for skin, hair and nails

9 Vitamins and minerals beneficial for skin, hair and nails

Do you want shiny, healthy hair and beautiful skin and nails? It’s not going to happen on its own. Varied nutrition forms the basis: healthy on the inside, beautiful on the outside. Vitamins and minerals do the rest and provide growth, strength and shine. Here are 9 vitamins and minerals beneficial for skin, hair and nails.


The skin is our largest organ. It provides us protection. To keep your skin in good condition, you need vitamins and minerals. This also applies to healthy hair: a deficiency or too much of it can lead to hair loss. On an average, there are about 100,000 hairs on our heads. We lose 50 to 100 of them every day! It is hairs that have their lifespan (about two years) on it and that have to make way for new hair. A little hair loss is very common and no reason for panic. Hair loss can also be temporary, for example, due to seasonality or after childbirth.


Vitamins and minerals for skin, hair and nails


Vitamins and minerals that keep our skin, hair and nails healthy are:


Vitamin A:

keeps the condition of your skin good


Vitamin B2:

ensures healthy skin


Vitamin B3:

also ensures healthy skin


Vitamin B8:

for healthy skin and hair


Vitamin C:

ensures firm skin



important for your skin, hair and nails



contributes to healthy skin



for a healthy condition of your hair and nails



provides enough pigment in skin and hair


Smearing of vitamins?


There are all kinds of creams and ointments in the market that promise a clearer and beautiful skin. Often they contain added vitamins. If we are to believe the advertising, those vitamins in the cream make the skin healthier. It is suggested that these vitamins are absorbed through the skin and thus act locally. Right where you need them. But it’s not that simple. The skin forms a very good barrier against fabrics from the outside. And that means that only vitamins from very high-dose creams can enter the body. In ordinary cosmetics, there are too few active substances. Unfortunately! What helps? Healthy eating. Because vitamins that are absorbed into the body through the diet, also find the way to the skin. And that’s where they can do their good work.




Healthy food is, therefore, the best way to get these beauty vitamins. If this does not work, take a daily multivitamin, then you know that your beauty vitamin stock in your body is fine.


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