Tips for Acne free skin

Tips for Acne free skin


The skin of the face reflects the inner state of the body. Beautiful skin shows that her “owner” takes good care of her, eats quality food and monitors her health. Conversely, pimples, blackheads, excessive oiliness are often the result of poor nutrition, untreated hormonal imbalance or inflammation. Read below article for some essential tips for Acne free skin.


Firstly, let’s find out what is acne? Acne vulgaris is a term for a group of skin conditions that cause acne to occur. It is usually inflammatory and non-inflammatory, and varies from mild, moderate and severe.


The main types of acne are:


Non-inflammatory acne – It is characterized by milliers and blackheads, but without cysts.

Inflammatory acne – It is usually caused by mild infections provoked by the bacteria of P. Acnes.

Cystic acne (also called nodulocystic acne) – A severe form, characterized by deep, inflamed cysts on the skin.

Acne fulminans – Severe form of inflammatory acne, which usually affects men in adolescence and is situational on the jaw, chest and back.

Acne mechanica – It develops when rubbing or pressuring the skin, squeezing and squeezing the pimples.


Causes of appearance of acne


-Clogged as a result of excessive production of sebum pores and accumulation of dead cells. Sebum is a fatty secretion that is excreted from the sebaceous glands. In overproduction, the sebaceous glands become clogged, and the result is acne.


-Hormonal imbalance – the main culprits are androgens, which promote the production of sebum. This condition is characteristic not only for teenagers, but also for people of active age.

It is often observed in women, especially in the presence of PMS, irregular menstruation, early menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc. Here, control of glucose, which has a significant influence on the production of androgens, is very important.

-Irregular diet, which includes mostly refined grains, sugar, saturated fats and trans fats.

-Stress, anxiety, chronic insomnia. In these cases, a major problem is impaired cortisol synthesis, disruption of the adrenal glands and increased production of adrenal androgens, such as DHEA and DHEA-s.

-Taking corticosteroids, birth control pills, etc. Although acne is often treated with these medications, it turns out that after discontinuation of their intake can be exacerbated again.

-Genetic predisposition.


Acne Treatments


Conventional methods of combating acne. Some people come to terms with persistent acne, others – constantly trying to deal with it with the help of local products or drugs. The artificial substances and chemicals contained in these preparations can cause new inflammations of the already irritated and sensitive skin, so their uncontrolled use is not recommended.

In most medications, two main ingredients are almost invariably found – benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. Concentrated derivatives of vitamin A also find relatively common application, as well as various derivatives of the elements sulfur and zinc.

Benzoyl peroxide destroys bacteria that are found in the pores of the skin and prevents their blockage. This greatly reduces redness and inflammation, but in some cases causes side effects such as dryness, flaking and burning. Therefore, any new anti-acne drug should be started cautiously and in lower doses.

Salicylic acid is another commonly used active ingredient in the fight against the annoying skin problem. It helps to remove excess cells that retain sebum and various bacteria in the pores. Unfortunately, it can also cause redness and dryness, especially with more sensitive skin. To begin with, products containing between 0.5% and 3% salicylic acid are recommended.

In more severe cases, the dermatologist may recommend antibiotics that reduce the amount of bacteria between pores. Most often they are clindamycin, doxycycline, erythromycin, tetracycline, etc.


What not to do?


-to squeeze the pimples;

-treat the affected areas with inappropriate and excessively strong preparations;

-rely only on medications for external use;

-to leave your body dehydrated;

-often change different medications – the skin is not able to adjust.


And now that the main mistakes in the fight against acne are listed, here are a few tips that will be helpful to you!


Eat Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are also beneficial for skin whitening and acne treatments. So add more citrus fruits to your diet. At the same time, you can use skin care products containing citrus extracts.



Cucumbers are rich in potassium and vitamins such as A, C and E. It also has a cool and soothing effect on the skin. Cut one or two fresh cucumbers into slices and soak in water for about an hour. Nutrients such as vitamin A, potassium and chlorophyll are transferred to water. Drink the water or wash your face with it. You can also grind a cucumber to make a mask. Apply the mask to the face and let it dry for 15 minutes. Wash your skin with warm water.


Baking soda

This is the most effective way to get rid of the pimples overnight. Soda is a good choice, but especially for those with sensitive skin, as it does not cause any skin irritation. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with some water or lemon juice to make a thick paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and let it dry for a few minutes. Wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer. Repeat this process twice a day for quick results.



Steam is good for your skin at any time, but especially if you have acne. Steam will open your pores and let your skin breathe. This helps remove grease, dirt and bacteria from pores that can cause infection or inflammation. Take hot water in a container and let the steam touch your face for some time. Rinse the face with warm water and apply an oil-free moisturizer after drying.


Banana skin

Banana skins contain a product called lutein, an extremely powerful antioxidant that reduces swelling and inflammation and promotes healthy cell growth. Remove the banana skin and rub in circles on your face. When you feel you’ve covered all your face, leave it to stand for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.



Garlic has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant properties that can help treat acne. It contains Sulfur which promotes rapid healing of acne. Cut the fresh garlic cloves and rub the garlic on the acne and leave for five minutes, then wash the skin with warm water. Repeat the treatment several times a day.


Use On-The-Go Acne Wet Wipes

Let’s face it, washing your face twice a day is annoying, so here’s a simple solution: It is easy to use acne wipes anytime, anywhere, to help fight those terrible pimples before they start. It’s not easy! However you don’t need to let these wipes replace all facial cleansing, but you can use them when you’re really not in the mood to do anything


Make a simple mask

Masks can be made with common kitchen ingredients such as cinnamon and honey to help clean up your skin. Apply the mask to the face for 10-15 minutes, then enjoy the beautiful skin and smell like a scented candle. And it looks smooth!


Avoid touching your face

Do your best to resist the urge to touch your face. Dirt and grease on the fingers will irritate the skin more, which may lead to more acne. If you absolutely have to touch your skin (sometimes you can’t help it), be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water beforehand!


Eat Healthy

Eating healthy fruits and vegetables is good for our skincare and overall health.  Foods rich in vitamins A, B, C and E are good for our overall health.


Don’t worry!

Everyone gets acne, everyone tries to cover it up. It doesn’t matter in public, even if you suddenly break out! It just shows that you are human. Try not to worry.


Some More Tips :


Clean carefully and gently. As has already been clarified, blackheads and pimple tips should never be squeezed. It is recommended to use natural products. Before any mask is applied to the face, it is mandatory to wash it with lukewarm or slightly warm water. Most procedures are repeated twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. More frequent administration is not recommended, as this leads to additional irritation and oiliness of the skin.

Make sure to maintain the pH balance of the skin. To do this, use toning face masks that support natural pH levels.

Don’t forget the hydration. Acne-prone skin should be constantly hydrated, not stay dry. Drying increases the production of sebum, which in turn clogs the pores. Moisturizing masks are recommended at least twice a week, as well as taking at least 1.5 l of water daily. Cut out sugary drinks.

Exfoliate regularly! Clogged pores and dead skin cells provide a favourable environment for acne. This problem is solved with regular exfoliation of the skin.

Cut out the sugar. It produces inflammation in your body, which in turn produces more acne. Eat more vegetables and green leafy vegetables. Fish, chicken, beef, turkey, vegetables, fruits, coarse grains are good choices. Think locally and see what your local and regional diet is like.

Exercise every day. Even a brisk walk can make your circulation smoother.

Use raw honey to treat acne

You must use products that contain salicylic acid. It helps cure and prevent acne and scarring. In addition, the following products are good for acne treatment:

Use Faceclin gel cream. This is a magic gel cream for acne and acne. However, consult a physician before using these products.

You can also treat acne and acne by using Acne Aid face wash or acne wash.

Use aloe vera gel daily.

Treatment with tea tree oil! It has been proven that it is one of the most effective ingredients for eliminating acne, along with coconut oil, natural honey and some dairy products. According to research, a preparation with a content of 5% tea tree oil is just as efficient as one containing 5% benzoyl peroxide.


Hope the above tips will help you get that Acne free skin. Let me know in the comments section.



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1 Comment

  1. Haripriya says:

    One of the best articles I have ever read on skincare. I must say all points are very clear and in depth. Thanks for sharing!

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