Do we lose weight more easily in summer than in winter?

Do we lose weight more easily in summer than in winter?


Often you hear that people lose more weight in the summer months. But is this true? Do we lose weight more in summer than in winter?


Losing weight is quite simple in the basics. It is about the ratio (energy balance) between the energy ingested and used by the body. However, losing weight or arriving in practice is often difficult. Many factors affect weight loss.


Do we lose weight more in summer than in winter?


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In winter, you’re less active!

There are a number of reasons for this. This may be because you are less physically active in the winter. Furthermore, the seasonal variation is also likely to have an effect on the eating rate (appetite regulation) and metabolism. Another reason may be that because of the good weather people are happier and less ’emotion-eating’. Saturation and happiness hormones play a role in this.


Check-list not to gain extra pounds this winter


Two key factors for losing weight and a slim figure are a balanced diet and physical activity. What else you need to remember, so as not to gain weight and be in shape:


Just add water more in your daily diet


Do we lose weight more easily in summer than in winter?


Good amount of water is needed for a normal metabolism. Here are some simple rules:

The water should not be too cold or too hot. It is best to drink water at room temperature or warm – 50-60 degrees. Cold water slows down metabolism and lingers in the body, causing swelling.

Start your day with warm fasting water, it will awaken the body and prepare the digestive system for work during the day.

It is better to drink half an hour before meals and an hour after, evenly throughout the day. Water should be clean, non-carbonated – avoid coffee, tea, juices and soda – it is not water.


Spices are friends of a good figure


Do we lose weight more easily in summer than in winter?


Spices not only give a bright look and taste to dishes and add variety, but also accelerate metabolism and promote weight loss. Here are top 5 spices for a slender waist:

cinnamon – accelerates metabolism and absorption of food, improves the body’s ability to break down sugar.

cloves – a universal seasoning, which can be added to the main dishes, and brewed together with tea, significantly accelerates metabolism.

turmeric – improves metabolism and stabilizes weight after diets.

black and cayenne pepper – help the body to burn fat faster and digest nutrients.

ginger – strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism and reduces appetite.


Meal timings


Do we lose weight more easily in summer than in winter?


Give the body time to recycle and digest the food received during the day. Try to eat high-calorie foods and meals in the first half of the day, and by 5 p.m. to reduce the portion and calorie count.

After 6-7 pm, it is better to limit yourself to light snacks. Interval fasting will help to lose weight in a short time – the last meal until 6 p.m. and then the day after 10 a.m.


Cold food is the reason for the extra kilos


Do we lose weight more easily in summer than in winter?


In the cold season, you should give preference to warm and hot dishes and minimize the consumption of cold dishes – salads, chilled snacks, cold soups, they slow down metabolism and leave a feeling of hunger – you feel like eating more and not always what is useful.

Hot dishes will help to warm up and satiate in winter: the best option of winter for lunch or dinner is a light vegetable cream soup. Don’t put off the sweet for later Or put off the alluring piece of cake for the next morning. It is not necessary to completely give up sweet and look sadly at chocolates in the store. If you want, then allow yourself a “delicious” treat but in moderation and in the first half of the day – in the morning or at lunch until 14.00.


Last but not the least, Sleep well


Do we lose weight more easily in summer than in winter?


Believe it or not, sleep is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. If you are sleep-deprived, your body produces more cortisol, the so-called stress hormone, and therefore stores more fat. You’re often more hungry, and there’s no willpower in it. Try to sleep at least 8 hours. When you want to lose weight, sufficient rest is extra important, so that your body can focus on fat burning and cell renewal.


Do we lose weight more in summer than in winter?


People actually burn more energy in the winter months because it is colder outside and the body has to compensate for this. On the other hand, people are more active in the summer months, which means that the energy expenditure is higher. The sunny feeling can also contribute to weight loss, as the feeling of hunger decreases and the motivation to lose weight increases. In short, both winter and summer have advantages when you consider the energy balance.


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