How to get rid of dark circles naturally?

How to get rid of dark circles naturally?

Dark circles under the eyes not only make you look more tired, but you also end up spending more time and money concealing it with no good results. How can you scare away this “panda” every time you look in the mirror? How to get rid of dark circles naturally? Read ahead to find out.


Dark circles under the eyes are a common condition that occurs in both men and women, which can make you look older and less fresh. To find out how to improve panda eyes, let’s find out about the common causes of dark circles under the eyes!


Causes of dark circles under the eyes


Below are some causes for dark circles to appear under your eyes :


1. Dehydration

When your body does not receive the right amount of water, the area of skin underneath your eyes will begin to look dull, the blood vessels under the sensitive skin swell and cause puffiness.


2. Eyestrain

Long time staring at a television or computer screen can cause aches in the eyes. The skin around your eyes darkens when you strain your eyes too much due to blood vessels around the eye which pump blood continuously and expand.


3. Genetics

Family history is also a major factor in the progression of dark circles under the eyes. This can be a genetic characteristic that is seen early at a young age and can be exacerbated as one grows older or gradually disappears on its own.


4. Your Age

As you get older, your skin becomes thinner, there is a decrease in the amount of fat and collagen which are required to maintain skin elasticity.


5. Too much exposure to sunlight

Too long exposure in the sun can cause your body to produce more melanin – pigments that provide colour to the skin. This causes the colour of the skin under the eyes to darken to form dark circles.


6. Allergies

Allergic reactions and dry eyes can cause dark circles under the eyes. Symptoms of unpleasant allergic reactions include itching, redness and swelling resulting in puffiness, and histamine also causes blood vessels to dilate and become more pronounced under the skin.

Allergic reactions also cause you to itch, rub and scratch the skin around the eyes that can exacerbate symptoms, causing inflammation, swelling and rupture of blood vessels leading to dark circles under the eyes.


7. Lack of Sleep and Fatigue

Staying up too late at night or too much of sleep can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Sleeplessness can cause dark tissues and blood vessels to float on your skin and make the skin dull and pale. Lack of sleep can also accumulate fluid underneath the eyes, which is why eye bags and puffiness appears.

It is important that you make healthy lifestyle changes and know how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

7 Habits of Highly effective people


How to get rid of dark circles naturally?


You can apply the following ways of removing dark circles under the eyes:


How to reduce dark circles at home


•  Sleep more: You should make sure to sleep at the right time to help reduce or prevent dark circles under your eyes. You can also raise your head when sleeping with a pillow to help reduce dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.


•  Use cucumbers: Applying slices of cucumber to your eyes can soothe your eyes, reduce fatigue and reduce swelling. Cucumber contains high levels of water and vitamin C that can help moisturize and nourish the skin. Cucumbers also contain silica that helps keep tissues healthy.


Apply cold towels: Applying cold towels to the eyes can limit the appearance of blood vessels and dark circles.


Use tea bags: Tea bags contains Caffeine which has antioxidant properties and stimulates blood circulation around the eyes and can help reduce dark circles and puffiness.

Boil 2 tea bags in water and let them cool, then place them on each eye, can put tea bags in the refrigerator first to cool the eyes. You can use black tea bags, green tea or herbal teas.


Facial massage: A major cause of the appearance of dark circles is poor circulation of blood around the eyes. You can massage gently around the eye area every time you take care of the skin to help improve blood circulation.


Use lotions containing antioxidants: Lotions that contain antioxidants like Vitamins E and C can help reduce the appearance of dark circles.


Makeup: Although makeup will not eliminate dark circles, during important appointments, makeup is a way to help you hide these imperfections temporarily.


There are also some medical treatments which you can try to remove dark circles under the eyes

If home remedies can not remove dark circles under the eyes, you can see a doctor for advice on carrying out medical treatments such as:


•  Topical cream: Whitening cream can help reduce skin pigmentation.


•  Kojic acid: Kojic acid is also found to be effective in the treatment of dark circles.


Azelaic acid: Azelaic acid is used to treat pigmentation under the eyes and is safe to use for long periods of time.


Topical vitamin C: The use of vitamin C lotion 10% for about 6 months helps to be effective in the treatment of dark circles. This lotion works to brighten the dark area under the eyes.


Chemical peel: This method uses high-density acid chemicals to peel off the skin to brighten the skin under the eyes.


Laser therapy: You can remove dark circles using Laser therapy. You may go for the less invasive laser procedures like diode lasers which reduce the risk of getting marks or any side effects.


Filler injections: Thin skin or loss of adipose tissue can cause dark circles under the eyes, filler injection methods are a way to improve this condition.


Surgery: Blepharoplasty can reduce dark circles caused due to the accumulation of fat or excess skin around the eye area.


The skin under the eyes is usually thin and sensitive, you should go to a reputable hospital or cosmetic facility to see a dermatologist for advice and reasonable treatment.


How to prevent dark circles under the eyes


By making lifestyle changes you can prevent the appearance of dark circles, if you follow the below tips:


• Relax and reduce stress: Studies have shown that stress can increase the appearance of dark circles. So relax your body, take time off and sleep on time to limit this condition.


• Protect your eyes from the sun: You should wear UV-resistant sunglasses that cover your eye area and use sunscreen to help prevent or reduce dark circles.


Abandon bad habits: The habit of smoking and drinking too much alcohol can accelerate the ageing process of the body and increase the risk of dark circles under the eyes.


When you better understand the causes of dark circles under the eyes, you will find a way to get rid of “panda” eyes more quickly and effectively. Adjust your healthy lifestyle and follow your doctor’s advice to look fresh and radiant every time you look in the mirror!


FAQs :


How do I get rid of dark circles?

If dark circles ruin your life, there is a more radical solution: injections of fat or hyaluronic acid. This cosmetic surgery treatments are generally recommended in this case. A delicate technique, which requires choosing your specialist and learning before you start.


Why don’t my dark circles go away?

Eyebags are a result of a build-up of water and fat under the eyes. If you have a poor lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, etc.), it can lead to water retention. So try to change your habits. You will definitely see a lot of improvement.


Why do I have dark circles when I don’t sleep properly?

A short night can cause dark circles because fatigue affects the bloodstream and slows it down. As a result, the blood stagnates under the skin and darken it. But lack of sleep is not the only cause of their appearance.


How do you remove the bags under the eyes naturally?

To deflate the eyes, a simple trick is to pass an ice cube on the pockets: as it has anti-inflammatory action, the cold is very effective.

How to camouflage the deep dark circles?

Using a corrective brush, apply the concealer only to the hollow area, then fade the material. Add a hint of illuminator to the inner corner with your finger. Avoid mascara on the bottom lashes, it brings out dark circles.


How do I remove the dark circles in 5 minutes?

You can try this method: Take two spoons and keep them in the freezer in the night. In the morning when you wake up, apply the cool spoons to each eye for some time. You will see that after a few minutes, your dark circles that will be much lighter.


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