How To Increase Collagen Naturally?

How To Increase Collagen Naturally?

Collagen has long been considered a “elixir” in the beauty world, but rarely does anyone really understand what the effect of collagen is? In this article, I will share with you information about collagen, as well as how to increase collagen naturally in the most effective way.

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What is collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in people’s bodies and is found in the skin, muscles, bones and other tissues. It is important for the health of the joints and in the maintenance of an elastic skin and good appearance. Thus, as years go by, our body produces less collagen naturally and this leads to the progressive aging. At the age of thirty, we generate half of them than in adolescence and, in menopause, their loss increases, as it is linked to the decrease in estrogen production at this stage.

In short, that the body can manufacture collagen does not mean that it cannot benefit from an additional contribution in the diet. In fact, it is interesting to include it taking into account low consumption in today’s society and the decrease in internal synthesis due to lifestyle and ageing. Here’s more specifically about the benefits and how you can consume it either through food or add-on, if necessary.

What is collagen for the skin?

Collagen is the most structured protein in the human body, the main component of connective tissue. It is found in our bones, tendons, ligaments, hair, skin, bodies, muscles and blood vessels. In fact 70% of our skin is made from collagen. In the skin, collagen is the main component of the dermis.

Collagen is distributed mainly in the dermis, which is considered as a glue that links skin cells so it is no surprise that this is the deciding factor of firmness and smoothness of the skin.

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What are the benefits of collagen?

Improve skin – Collagen increases skin elasticity and moisture to rejuvenate the skin.It helps reduce skin damage caused by UV rays from the sun, which causes skin aging, wrinkles and reduces skin moisture. It can help reduce depth and volume of wrinkles. Collagen helps to hide cellulite stains, strengthening the dermis in the skin to make the skin thicker and firmer to help remove stretch marks.

Hair and nails: Collagen can enhance the strength of nails, promote faster hair and nails growth.

Other Benefits are :

Boosting muscles

Improve cardiovascular health

Reduce joint pain

Prevent osteoporosis

Intestines: Medical professionals encourage collagen to be used to treat intestinal permeability or bowel leakage syndrome.

Weight loss: Some people believe that collagen supplementation will enhance metabolism and promote weight loss.

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Collagen plays an important role in helping tissues have the ability to link together in the human body. Collagen enhances elasticity, firming the skin. Collagen deficiency is the main cause of aging skin, bird’s feet, dark skin, and sagging skin.

Therefore, it is important to know what foods we have at hand can provide us with the necessary collagen for the skin to present its best appearance.

How do you increase collagen naturally?

Here are some of the most recommended:


Tomatoes contain high levels of vitamin C needed for the production of collagen. They also contain antioxidant lycopene, which is known to protect the skin from sun damage and decomposition of collagen.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have long been known for their tremendous amounts of vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential to produce collagen as well as help enhance antioxidant function in the body. To limit the aging process, prevent wrinkles, protect the skin from darkening, melasma due to high exposure to the sun. Drinking lemonade or orange juice helps to destroy free radicals and eliminate toxins from the body.


Thanks to its yolk, eggs are a food that will allow your skin and even your hair and nails to look better. In addition, the it contains amino acids that also produce collagen.


Just like the eggs, chicken has all the necessary animoacids to produce collagen.


It contains many minerals and proteins that help to have a good skin. Specifically, chickpeas are especially good for the synthesis of collagen because they are rich in zinc and vitamin C.


Oysters are a food from the sea that contain high levels of copper that is another mineral that helps us create collagen.


Strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries… all of them contain a large dose of vitamin C that does wonders to the skin. They also have ellagic acid which is a polyphenol that protects against damage from ultraviolet rays. Blueberries contain extremely good amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. Blueberry supplements help regenerate and increase natural collagen production more efficiently. It prevents aging skin early or appearance of wrinkles.



It stimulates the production of natural collagen because it contains sulfur. Helps the skin stay strong, smooth and have good elasticity. In addition, garlic also contains alpha-lipoic acid and taurine which helps to increase collagen production very effectively.



Salmon is a food high in collagen and rich in omega-3s. Omega-3 is a very important substance and extremely necessary to help skin fresh, strong.



Similar to salmon, flaxseed also helps to replenish a lot of omega-3 beneficial for the skin. Since your body cannot produce omega-3s on its own, you need to eat more flaxseed to replenish this substance for your body. Not only that, flaxseed also adds a lot of fiber very good for health.



Honey is an excellent natural beauty material, helping the process of skin regeneration and natural collagen production effectively.

Green Veggies


Vegetables with dark green leaves especially cabbage will help the body tolerate the necessary amount of collagen. Thanks to lutein – antioxidants. Some vegetables contain a lot of collagen such as cabbage, watercress, spinach, broccoli,…



Soy or soy foods such as cheese, oil, milk are very rich in genistein. This substance helps stimulate the production of collagen, to protect the skin from aging and external substances such as dust, pollution, UV rays from the sun. This is a food rich in collagen and also a food that helps purify the body effectively.



Avocados are foods rich in collagen and are a very rich source of nutrition. In avocados there are many minerals and vitamins that help fight oxidation and destroy free radicals in the body. It also provides omega intake to stimulate collagen regeneration.



This is one of the foods rich in vitamin A nutrients. Carrots also support collagen regeneration, enhance blood circulation to help skin always appear pink and soft.

So friends, do not forget to include these foods that contain collagen every day. This is the cheapest way to add collagen into your body to maintain your skin health.

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