Difference between day cream and night cream

Difference between day cream and night cream

Taking care of the face should not be limited to the morning only, even at night the skin needs treatment. The state of the face during the day and night is different. Therefore using a cream that suits your needs is very important. What is the difference between day cream and night cream? Do we have to use it exactly as the name suggests? Do we need both?

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Difference between day cream and night cream

It is important for you to know the difference between day cream and night cream. The name alone is not different, it is certain that the composition contained in it is also different. Basically, both creams are created because in fact the needs of the skin during the day and night are very different.

Although both are in the form of cream, the active ingredients and concentration of day cream and night cream are different. Basically, the compounds contained in the cream must be able to penetrate into the skin, in order to provide benefits to the skin.

Texture and formulation

The day cream has a lighter texture and quickly permeates into the skin faster than the night cream. This is because many people, especially women, often use the day cream before using makeup. Day Cream is also created with a texture that is not sticky to make the makeup more easy to apply on the face, without making it look too cakey. Moreover, the lighter texture, does not clog the pores so that the skin can breathe more easily.

The texture of the night cream on the other hand is more dense, complex and heavy in order to be able to work optimally. Night cream takes a longer time to absorb in the skin and leaves a slight stickiness compared to the day cream.

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Day Cream

Day cream was created by experts to provide double protection while strengthening the skin during our daytime activities.

Day creams are also designed to be used before using cosmetics, so that the texture is softer and more quickly absorbed by the skin and does not clog the pores of the skin.

During the day, our skin is very vulnerable to damage and irritation due to exposure to UV rays, vehicle pollution, cigarette smoke, makeup, and much more. Therefore, day creams contain more SPF so that the skin can be protected from sun exposure, pollution, and free radicals.

Day creams also contain antioxidants to protect the skin from the dangers of free radicals that result in premature aging.

In addition to protecting, day cream also contains substances that can strengthen the skin to keep it looking fresh throughout the day.

Benefits of Day cream

Moisturizes Facial Skin

It’s good to use the day cream before you use makeup. Because the face will be protected with moisture throughout the day. And it makes your makeup also stick perfectly in your skin. Remember, skin moisture is the number one need for glowing skin.

Prevents premature aging

High antioxidant content can ward off free radicals that can make our skin avoid premature aging. Don’t want to look old? Yes, so do not forget to use the day cream before any activity especially if you are more often in the outdoors

Protects the face from sun exposure and pollution

Most of the Day creams contain SPF that function similar to sunblock creams. However it is recommended to still apply sunblock after applying the morning cream as the SPF content in most of the day creams is not considered maximum.

Difference between day cream and night cream

Night Cream

If day creams are in charge of protecting skin, night creams are tasked to provide care and nourishment to the skin of the face. This night cream will treat, repair, regenerate while treating damaged skin after a day of exposure to pollution and sunlight.

Why are night creams so important?

It is very important, because at night when the skin is relaxed, the cream is easier to penetrate into the skin so that the benefits of the cream can work more optimally. Night creams are usually divided into two categories, one as an anti-aging and other as deep moisturizer.

Night Cream for Anti-aging

Such night cream products usually contain retinol, glycolic acid, acetic acid and salicylic retinol. All of these ingredients help to get rid of old, dead skin and replace with new skin.

By using a night cream with an anti-aging formula, fine lines and wrinkles can fade. The skin also becomes firmer and strengthens the skin from the adverse effects of sunlight during the day, which has an effect on black spots and wrinkles.

Night Cream for Deep Moisturizing

Night creams to provide extra moisture are often called ultra-hydrating and deep nourishing creams. At night, due to sleeping using air conditioners, the skin get even more dry. The use of night cream is needed to restore natural hydration to the lost skin moisture.

Benefits of Night Cream

Repair damaged skin

Exposure to UV rays and pollution can cause a wide range of diseases or inflammation of the skin. One of them is reddish skin due to sunburn. That’s why the night cream is specifically designed to repair damaged skin as we sleep.

Revitalize skin

The contents in night cream, such as antioxidants help to regenerate the formation of new cells at night. The negative effects of exposure to UV rays, such as premature aging, can be prevented by using a night cream that has a higher antioxidant content.

Stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin

One way to prevent premature aging is by stimulating collagen formation. Skin that has high collagen and elastin can help avoid premature aging effects, such as wrinkles, or decreased skin elasticity.

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Well, I hope now you know the difference between day cream and night cream and that the two creams do have their own roles. Because the two creams have different benefits, we should wear both as per the instructions. Therefore, do not forget to apply day cream before you start your day activity or before makeup and night cream before bedtime.

Be assured, if you use these creams diligently, you will definitely get the maximum results. Stay Beautiful!

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