Benefits Of Flaxseeds For Hair

Benefits Of Flaxseeds For Hair

Flaxseed is one type of healthy food in the form of grains. At first glance, flaxseed looks very similar to sunflower seeds. Flaxseed is considered a functional food due to its many health benefits, both in disease prevention and other treatments and also combined with the weight loss process. But not everyone knows that flaxseed is also beneficial for maintaining beauty of hair and skin. Here are some benefits of flaxseeds for hair.

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Benefits Of Flaxseeds For Hair

Flaxseed contains a lot of important ingredients for hair nutrition, such as vitamin E, vitamin B, omega-3, fiber, antioxidants, protein, selenium, and iron etc.. Some of its uses are that it :

  • Helps adjust pH levels for scalp oils
  • Strengthens hair and increases its density
  • Keeps the scalp from oxidative damage and eczema.
  • Reduces dryness and moisturizes hair
  • Cleans the scalp, eliminating the dandruff
  • Reduces hair loss and stimulates its follicles to produce and grow
  • Maintains the moisture and shine of the hair, by promoting the production of sebum oil
  • It raises the rate of oxygen infusion of the scalp, it is a good tonic for circulation.
  • Maintains hair colour and prevents premature greying

Benefits Of Flaxseeds For Hair

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Preventing dandruff:

Scalp problems such as dandruff are very annoying especially because of the itching and discomfort it causes. But you don’t have to worry because we can utilize the anti-inflammatory properties of flaxseeds to reduce dandruff, eczema, and other scalp conditions. Flax seeds are useful to stimulate the production of sebum in the scalp, thus preventing dryness of the scalp and dandruff.

Promotes hair growth:

Flaxseed contain omega-3 fatty acids so it is beneficial to nourish hair follicles. It helps the strengthen hair thus preventing it from breakage. Omega-3 fatty acids also improve hair elasticity and make them less susceptible to damage.

Prevent hair loss:

Alpha linolenic acid in flaxseed is able to inhibit 5 alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT can shrink hair follicles, resulting in hair loss. ALA, linolenic acid and oleic acid in flaxseeds are commonly used as natural remedies to treat baldness in males.

Reduce dry hair problem:

Flaxseed is one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Lack of this essential nutrients can cause hair to become dry and brittle. Consuming flaxseeds can make hair stronger and moisture-locked eliminating dry hair problem.

Reduce excess oil:

Although flaxseed is useful in producing oil naturally, it does not mean flaxseed can make the skin oily. The oil produced by flaxseed is only a natural moisturizer of the skin to prevent it from drying out. In fact, flax seeds are useful to control excess oil and maintaining skin moisture.

Maintaining scalp health:

Regular flaxseed intake or regular use on hair contributes to maintaining the scalp, preventing severe hair loss, and preventing scalp diseases such as eczema and dandruff.

Prevent Grey Hair

It is a rich source of vitamin E: Vitamin E is an essential vitamin for hair growth due to its antioxidant properties that prevent damage of hair and scalp. Vitamin E contributes to boosting blood circulation and delaying the appearance of grey hair.

How to prepare Flaxseed gel for hair?


3 tablespoons flaxseeds

1.5 cups water


Mix 3 tablespoons of flaxseed into 1.5 cups of water and bring it to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, you will see that the consistency of the water begins to change and become gel. Let it bubble for a few minutes. Then strain with the help of a strainer while it is still hot. Your flaxseed gel is ready!

After this flaxseed gel cools down, you can apply it on washed and clean hair.

How to use flaxseeds for hair

Flaxseed gel can be used alone on your hair, where it is distributed on the entire hair from the roots to the end and then washed with warm water after 15 minutes.

To enhance hair nutrition, flaxseed gel can be mixed with two tablespoons of coconut oil, then apply on the hair, leave for half an hour and then wash as usual with shampoo and warm water.

For shiny and soft hair, you can prepare below mask

Take in a small cup flaxseed gel, one egg yolk and a spoon of yogurt, mix well and apply on the whole hair and then cover with a plastic cover for half an hour. Next, wash with warm water and appropriate shampoo. This can be done once a week.

Another mask which you can use is by adding aloe vera gel, a few drops of vitamin E and one of your favourite essential oils to an appropriate amount of flaxseed gel. This will give you soft, fresh and vibrant hair.

Nutrients in Flaxseeds

Flaxseed contains several nutrients that benefit hair, skin and overall health, including:

Dietary fiber: Flaxseed is rich in low-carbohydrate dietary fiber making it a healthy choice to maintain digestive health and regulate cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Protein: Flaxseed contains several essential amino acids for the formation of proteins in the body that are essential for maintaining heart health and supporting the immune system.

Fats: Flaxseed contains a high percentage of unsaturated healthy fats, the most important of which are omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 acids, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Vitamins and minerals: Flaxseeds are rich in important vitamins and minerals like copper which is necessary for growth, development and support of various body functions, magnesium that has many functions in the body and phosphorus that contributes to bone health and preservation of body tissues.

Plant compounds: Flaxseed contains many useful plant compounds, the most important of which are antioxidants such as polyphenols.

So, what are you waiting for? Get flaxseeds today and use it regularly for long, shiny and soft hair.

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