Everyday Habits That Cause Wrinkles

Everyday Habits That Cause Wrinkles

Wrinkles are a part of aging, and a part of life. Although we know that wrinkles will come with aging, some other habits outside the age factor can also cause wrinkles. Wrinkles often first appear in places where the skin is moved or stretched a lot, pulled or in some other way is under pressure. Sometimes that happens unconsciously. Your makeup routine and habits can have an impact on the appearance of wrinkles as well. Here are some everyday habits that cause wrinkles.

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Everyday Habits That Cause Wrinkles

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Making too many facial expressions

Facial expressions such as smiles, frowns, raised eyebrows, and other facial movements can cause curves in the skin that become noticeable with age. But we don’t recommend you not to smile anymore. What kind of life is that? Rest assured that you look prettier when you smile, and if you have this, no one will notice 1-2 wrinkles on your face. Just avoid other facial expressions such as frowning and pouting.

Stretching the skin when using make up

This obviously results in wrinkles, and is a common bad habit in the world of make-up. You have to use make-up as you need to go out and other people will see you, but you should avoid stretching your eyelid to better apply eyeliner or raise your eyebrows high when applying mascara, causing frown lines. Moving your face to help make your makeup more accurate is fine, as long as you don’t pull the skin so it looks flat.

Using a straw

Straws may help you to avoid stains on your teeth, but this can actually have a negative impact on the skin around your mouth. Just like with smoking and whistling, you pucker your lips through a straw when drinking. If you do this more often, wrinkles can form around the mouth. The first wrinkles often develop around the mouth or eyes. Continuous suction for a long period of time can cause wrinkle lines around the mouth. Try drinking straight out of the can or bottle if possible.

Wash your face too often

Sleeping with makeup on your face is definitely not a good habit, but washing your face with a harsh scrub can also cause serious damage. Natural facial oils can keep your skin moisturised, and if you wash it more than once a day, you can dry it out without knowing it. Make sure to use warm water, not hot. Hot water can damage the skin.

No Sun protection

The sun’s rays are the main cause of skin aging. If you do not use a day cream or another product with the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15 on a daily basis, your skin will not be sufficiently protected against the UV-A and UV-B rays. Even when the sun isn’t shining. But don’t forget to apply that product above and below the eyes and around the mouth. Do you use a special eye cream? These special eye creams often do not contain sun protection. Then apply extra protection or use the special eye cream only at night.

Ignore sunglasses

You have to understand the importance of wearing sunblock and moisturizer every day, but did you know that wearing glasses can also prevent glare, which can help you avoid wrinkles around your eyes? Yes, it will squint because of the glare, if you do it too often, you will wrinkle the corners of your eyes. Make sure you wear glasses that have a UV filter to keep your eyes from sun rays which can damage the skin around your eyes.

No Exercise

Passive habits can be bad for your waist, heart and skin! Exercising can improve the composition of the skin, giving it a structure 20 years younger! It is never too late to start exercising. Adults who started exercising regularly showed improvement in their skin.

Sleeping on your stomach

You may have woken up once and noticed that you had all kinds of folds and creases in your face because your face was pressed against your pillow. Those folds and creases will quickly disappear when you are still young. As you get older, it takes longer and longer for them to disappear and sometimes they don’t disappear completely. Sleeping on your stomach causes wrinkles on the forehead, next to the eyes, on the cheeks and above the mouth. So, tell yourself to sleep on your back. However, there are special pillows that prevent your face from wrinkling when you sleep.

Consuming wrong drinks

Studies show that drinking soft drinks (which usually contain large amounts of sugar) will have an impact on your skin. A process called glycation can cause collagen to become more brittle. Apart from soft drinks, alcohol is also not good for the skin because it can increase the leakage of the blood vessels, which can cause your skin to loosen or look flabby. Alcohol can also dehydrate you, making wrinkles more visible.

Not eating enough fish

Not only acting as good fats (omega-3 fatty acids) which help prevent various chronic ailments such as heart disease and diabetes, fish can also take care of your skin. The fat in fish can renew cell membranes, helping it retain water so that your skin stays nourished and feels smooth. If you are not a fan of fish, you can get this important nutrient through nuts like walnuts.

Chewing gum

Chewing gum can certainly cause wrinkles at the bottom of the mouth, as well as cause problems with the structure of your mouth. This habit should be easy to break for the good of your skin and your body in general, if you chew high-sugar gum.

Looking at a screen for too long

By looking at the screen of your computer, your tablet or mobile for a long time, you not only get wrinkles, you also get bags under your eyes. Although only a fraction of the sun’s UV rays come off your blue screens, it does emit some radiation, which also contributes to the aging of the skin.

The blue light is said to break down the carotenoids (the red and yellow molecules in the skin, releasing more free radicals, which play a role in the development of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

So Friends! avoid the above habits if you want to look younger and attractive for longer:)


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1 Comment

  1. Haripriya says:

    Really very helpful post. Thanks for posting. Keep it up…

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