11 daily Habits that Can Damage Your Beauty

11 Daily Habits that Can Damage Your Beauty

There are some everyday habits that are not good for your overall beauty. Did you know yet? We will list some common habits that you often do without realizing it can damage your skin, hair and body. Here are 11 daily habits that can damage your beauty –

11 Daily Habits that Can Damage Your Beauty

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1. Wrong Sleeping position

The most important thing is to avoid sleeping on your side as much as possible, which causes the facial skin to be pressed against the pillow or mattress. Sleeping on your back is recommended because it can reduce the formation of wrinkles on the face.

Wrinkles on the face can be caused by a continuous sleeping position. That is, if you always sleep lying on your left side, your face will wrinkle faster in that part.

2. Cleaning your face too often

Cleaning the face is required to maintain healthy and clean skin. However, that does not mean you can clean it as often as possible, because it can damage the skin. Washing your face too often with cleansing products makes the natural oil production on the face inhibited, so the skin becomes more sensitive and dry. Therefore, wash your face twice a day.

3. Exfoliating too much

11 daily Habits that Can Damage Your Beauty

Exfoliating can increase circulation in the skin and encourage the removal of dead skin cells without damaging or disturbing the underlying skin cells that are not ready to exfoliate. In addition to removing dead skin cells, exfoliation can clean dirt that can clog pores on facial skin.

But be careful, over-exfoliating or exfoliating using harsh products can cause redness, inflammation, irritation, and also acne.

You only need to exfoliate dead skin cells once a week, not every day. That way you will give the opportunity for new skin cells to grow, replenish and re-hydrate. Excessive exfoliation can lead to dry skin, scarring and fine lines!

4. Choice of pillowcase

11 daily Habits that Can Damage Your Beauty

Pillowcases can also be one of the factors that cause skin problems. The friction that occurs between the facial skin and the rough pillowcase material can accelerate the formation of permanent wrinkles on the face. In addition, changing pillowcases regularly is also highly recommended to remove bacteria and dead skin cells that can accumulate and cause acne.

Most pillowcases used are made of cotton. When your face touches cotton overnight, fine lines can appear in the morning. Just imagine if you do it every night? Many women replace their pillowcases with satin ones, besides being more premium, satin is more friendly to your very sensitive facial skin.

5. Using a dirty makeup brush

Cleaning your makeup brushes should be one of your priorities. By using a dirty brush, you have applied bacteria and germs to your face over and over again. In fact, you could potentially spread it to the beauty products you use. The worst-case scenario is infection.

6. Use nail polish all the time

Dark nail polish, especially cheap brands, have strong dyes in them that can stain your nails. As a result, the nails will appear yellow.

To work around this, try wearing less polish or buying one with good quality materials.

7. Staring at the computer screen

Staring at the computer screen

Certain facial movements can cause wrinkles on the face, especially if the expression is repeated or static for a long period of time. Working in front of a computer screen for long hours can trigger fine lines around the eyebrows or the corners of the eyes.

Looking with a sharp gaze at the computer screen for a long time causes eye fatigue and inhibits blood circulation in the eyes which eventually triggers the formation of bluish bags under the eyes.

Make sure to always have your eyes checked to avoid unnecessary movements such as squinting.

8. Not Wearing Sunscreen

When leaving the house, try to always use sunscreen to protect your skin from direct sunlight. Forgetting to wear sunscreen can actually damage the skin. The sun’s rays contain UV A and UV B which make the skin easy to wrinkle and cause black spots. If you don’t want your skin to experience premature aging, don’t forget to wear sunscreen every time you go outside.

9. Lack of sleep

Habits that can damage the skin further are lack of sleep or often staying up late. This habit accelerates the occurrence of premature aging of the skin, such as the appearance of fine lines in the area around the eyes. If you have trouble sleeping, don’t watch television or play on your smartphone. Consuming warm drinks such as green tea or hot chocolate can help you sleep.

10. Sleeping with your face still covered in make up

Don’t be lazy to wash your face, especially if you like to dress up and often do outdoor activities. You don’t realize it, but dust and dirt and beauty products that stick to your facial skin triggers the appearance of acne because the skin pores are closed.

It’s okay to use make-up to maximize your appearance, but don’t forget to clean it, especially before you go to bed.

11. Unhealthy Eating habits

11 daily Habits that Can Damage Your Beauty


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