If you usually use self-tanner on your face and have enlarged pores, you will notice that the product tends to accumulate in them, causing a strange effect. To avoid this, try this trick: pass an ice cube all over your face wrapped in gauze (the cold reduces the size of enlarged pores). Next, dry your face and apply a pore-minimizing serum or, failing that, a moisturizer that refines the complexion. Once the lotion has been absorbed, spread the self-tanner. If you are not satisfied with the result, switch to facial moisturizers with self-tanning pigments.
You rest the necessary hours but the dark circles are still there. Is that your case? The lack of night’s rest that causes the small capillaries that supply the area to become inflamed and transparent through the thin skin that covers the lower eyelid (0.5 mm thick) is not the only reason that causes the appearance of the dark circles Sometimes, the purplish coloration of this area is a hereditary trait of the person. In these cases, the laser provides a definitive solution. Most of the time, with a single session lasting about 30 minutes, the laser light breaks up the violet pigments into tiny fragments, which are subsequently eliminated by the body itself. This is a very similar process to that carried out when you want to remove a tattoo.

If you have a tendency to accumulate fat under the chin and want to prevent its appearance and firm the skin in this area, one of the simplest ways to prevent double chin and combat the first warning signs (loss of definition, sebum accumulation, etc.) is to apply a fat-burning cosmetic under the chin and along the neck (the same one you use for other areas of the body such as the buttocks, belly, etc.). The second thing you can do is perform a simple exercise that tones the muscle that keeps the skin in this area in place. It consists of sticking the tongue against the palate, and throwing it back. Contract for 10 seconds, relax, and repeat 8-10 times a day. If you follow these recommendations and do your best to avoid accumulating extra kilos, this problem will become part of the past.
Amazing Health Benefits of Walnuts
If you have small eyes and with a few master brush strokes you will make them look bigger and more beautiful. The look gains breadth and luminosity when the inside of the lower eyelid is made up of a a white or beige eyeliner pencil and the outside with a brown or gray one. Forget about dark shadows, applied to the mobile eyelid, as they sink and dwarf the look. Spread a light color over the entire upper eyelid (it can be white, pearl grey, ochre, pink, etc.) and a darker one over the upper lash line, making zigzag movements with the mascara applicator and keep the waxing up to date. of your eyebrows, your eyes will look much larger and more attractive.
If you have dry dandruff, according to dermatologists, foods rich in refined and sweet flours or saturated fats accelerate cell renewal of the scalp (the epidermis in the area of a person with dandruff is renewed every 15 days instead of every 30) increasing the presence of the characteristic white plaques, which is why it is advisable to reduce its consumption. Foods rich in zinc (nuts, legumes, mollusks, etc.), vitamin B6 (whole-grain products, oily fish, seeds, etc.), vitamin A (orange, red or green vegetables, fru,its and vegetables) and biotin (oats, eggs, mushrooms, yogurt, avocado, etc.). Try to include these foods in your weekly diet and keep stress and fatigue under control, two other mechanisms that potentially trigger dandruff, both dry and oily in nature. Dietary supplements based on brewer’s yeast and wheat germ will help you fight this disorder from the inside.
Under the skin of the black grape hides a deposit of anti-aging nutrients, among which reveratrol stands out. This compound activates an enzyme called sirtuin, responsible for delaying skin aging and increasing cellular vitality. To show off younger, more luminous skin, blend two handfuls of grapes with a purple plum and, optionally, add brewer’s yeast.